console.log("Learning JavaScript");
03 Sep 2020
Java != JavaScript
Java and JavaScript, both languages contain "Java" in their names, but there are huge differences in the paradigms and pursuits of each language. Before I learned JavaScript, I also thought JavaScript was easier because I had a biased idea that it wasn't much different from a similar context. Of course, Java isn't easy, and I've been taking ICS111 and ICS211 classes so far, so I thought that the ICS314 course would have a lower barrier to entry than learning other languages.
The good things about learning JavaScript (very subjective thoughts)
- Since it can be used in multiple environments, if we learn JavaScript, we can develop applications for that environment.
- As the usage of smartphones increases, the use of web applications also increases, and the role of the client (browser) has become very important. Learning JavaScript to manipulate clients is productive.
- As a result of a search for information about JavaScript, JavaScript has gained popularity and developed with many developers, and at the same time, open source JavaScript libraries and frameworks that anyone can use have appeared. Therefore, if we have basic knowledge of JavaScript in ICS314 class, we can develop web application without developing complex code.
The great point of the ICS314 class is that there are currently non-face-to-face classes due to COVID-19, but the class materials and information about JavaScript are very well organized so that we can study easily. This is my first class of JavaScript, so I was very worried at the beginning of the class. However, I am very grateful that the video lectures of the professor are clearly explained and clearly and neatly organized on the persona about what I should do and what I should study. The WODs workout, which has to be solved within a certain amount of time, is quite confusing as I am still unfamiliar with me, but I will do my best not to lose too many points before the end of this semester!