UI Framework for Web Developers

08 Oct 2020

UI Framework

UI framework is an abbreviation for user interface. We can think of it as a framework for a user interface, but to talk more clearly about the UI framework, it provides a variety of things such as buttons, menus, forms, etc. by commonizing the UI frequently used in the web. Developers can use it by reading the provided CSS and writing down the HTML. The framework of bootstrap and semantic UI is the most popular and useful framework for many software developers.

Advantages of UI Framwork

About the advantages of the UI framework that I think, the first is that we can create a UI that feels good enough without writing CSS. CSS and JavaScript technology are required to represent standard html pages on the web screen, but UI framework technology enables web development without writing CSS. In addition, the web UI framework supports web and app development so that we can easily and quickly create web interfaces. If we use the UI framework, we can create sophisticated results in a short time because UI framework provides a common development environment, so we can unify our development environment and save development time and cost.


We have been studying and practicing how to use the UI framework since last week. In the process of searching the UI framework, I found something very interesting. It learned about Bootstrap, a UI framework released by Twitter. In addition to Twitter, many web pages are actually being created using Bootstrap. So, I felt that the overall quality of the web was higher than before. Twitter’s Bootstrap makes it easy to create web pages armed with a pretty UI. Therefore, I think UI framework is one of the core technologies of the best web development to increase productivity.