
COKOA means “CO” of COVID-19 and KOA means brave in Hawaiian language. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact with the transmission and spread of many people around the world. Therefore, our team is a web application developed to provide self-health checks to users who bravely completed vaccinations or bravely fight against COVID-19 despite rumors that COVID-19 has various side effects and severe immune responses after vaccination.


The COKOA web application is for users to log in and continuously update their current date, place, and health status by self-checking for COVID-19 symptoms. In addition, users can enter information about their vaccination status and primary or secondary vaccination and the upload image of their vaccination card.

You can see more detais at the COKOA.
Link to GitHub:

Project Contribution

What I could do to develop the COKOA web application was…

We divided the work into three milestones. In Milestone1, I completed the profile page by providing a schema to store and display the user’s information and vaccine information they enter when users sign up for membership. In addition, I have provided a function that allows users to edit the information they have entered.

In Milestone2, we separated the user’s information from the vaccination status information on the profile page, and my task was to separate the vaccination status information from the user profile page, so that only the user’s name, gender, and date of birth can be entered.

In Milestone3, I replaced the button to upload the image with semantic ui to work on a more intuitive design and modified a signup on the basic template.

What I learned

While working with my team members to develop the COKOA web application, I had time to review how to use Meteor by applying the Meteor template that I covered about a year ago. Also, I was able to improve my understanding of the schema by mainly working with a different database than I had been doing before.

What I felt while working on a group project, not a personal project, once again realized that many people could solve the same problem in their own way and learn a lot by sharing it. IT technology is changing rapidly and there is a limit to being able to do it alone, so I was able to learn a lot from my team members in the process of solving problems with their roles and methods.


Yong Kim

Yeji Han

Kai Hwang

Cheolhoon Choi